Explore current trends in key markets across the globe.
Raising the Stakes
Online gaming (gambling legally online) has never been more popular. But problem gambling continues to cast a shadow over this growing industry, causing governments and industry groups alike to demand action.
As the negative impacts of illegal gambling become clearer, countries around the world are looking to expand legal gambling to better regulate the industry and protect players. At the same time, they are raising the stakes to reduce harm from problem gambling. Gaming operators, eager to expand into growing markets, are realizing the value of promoting responsible gaming to build a healthy, long-term customer base while minimizing negative press.
Responsible gaming is a hot topic, and there are changes taking place all around the world. From reviews of gambling regulations to increased focus on protecting minors online, this guide explores current trends in responsible gaming in key markets around the world.
What you'll learn:
What is responsible gaming?
Trends across the world, with closer looks at the UK, US, Latin America, Asia Pacific, India and Africa
The role of gaming operators in promoting and enforcing responsible gaming
How technology can help facilitate age and identity verification, AML screening and ongoing monitoring